Yahoo Answers site is going to shut down forever on May 4th, 2021

Yahoo Answers site is going to shut down forever on May 4th, 2021

Yahoo Answers, one of the longest-running and numerous storied web Q&A platforms in the past of the internet, is closing down on May 4th. 

That’s the day the Yahoo Answers site will begin redirecting to the Yahoo homepage, and all of the platform’s archives will terminate to exist. The platform has been performing since 2005.

Yahoo, which is presently part of Verizon Media Group following the company’s sale to the telecom for nearly $5 billion in 2017, stated the move at the top of the Yahoo Answers homepage. 

The message links to an FAQ, which shows the timeline of the closing. Beginning April 20th, the platform will no longer allow new submissions, the FAQ clarifies.

Users will likewise have until June 30th to ask for their data, or it’ll be unavailable after that. That involves “all user-generated content including your Questions brief, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any pictures,” Yahoo states, but “you won’t be capable of downloading other users’ content, questions, or answers.”

A letter sent to active Yahoo Answers members presents a little more detail as to why Yahoo is closing down the platform, including that “it has shifted less successful over the years” and that the organization “determined to shift our sources away” from the product to “concentrate on products that fully serve our members.”

Yahoo note to the active Yahoo users: Thank you for contributing to Yahoo Answers; we’re happy and honored to have served you connect with and learn from the Yahoo community these past sixteen years. If you’d like to give feedback, please feel free to reach out to our team at

Possibly the shutdown is for the fittest, regarding the site seems to be overrun with far-right conspiratorial garbage. The current Yahoo Answers homepage is highlighting such thoughtful gems in its discover section as, “Will America last four years of Joe Biden?” and “Will this summer be record riots by BLM and Antifa?,” as well as this immediate classic, “Was Stalin right about everything?”

May all the wayward souls of Yahoo Answers now obtain the data they seem for somewhere more reliable.

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