eCommerce Business Models and Steps to Create Own eCommerce

eCommerce Business Models and Steps to Create Own eCommerce

E-commerce has managed to shake the foundations of the commercial world. It has redefined how we interact with products and services. Its importance lies in its ability to provide convenience, break down barriers and encourage business innovation. As we continue to advance in the digital age, e-commerce will continue to be a key driver in the global economy and the way we conduct our daily purchases.

Business model variations

The world of ecommerce is diverse and full of opportunities for different approaches and business models. Here, we’ll explore some key variations that businesses have adopted to stand out online.


Dropshipping is a model in which the ecommerce does not physically store the products. Instead, when a customer places an order, the product is purchased directly from the supplier and shipped to the customer. This reduces inventory costs and the need for storage space but can also affect control over shipping and product quality.

Purchase by auction

This model allows customers to bid on products on an online platform. The highest bid wins the product. Online auctions can generate excitement and competition among buyers, but they can also result in lower prices for sellers.

Freemium model

In this approach, basic products or services are offered for free, but premium or advanced features come at a cost. It is common in SaaS applications and platforms, where users can access limited features for free and then upgrade to a paid subscription for additional benefits.


The affiliate model involves promoting the products or services of others through special links. When a customer purchases through that link, the affiliate receives a commission. It is a popular way to make money online by promoting products that are related to the affiliate’s niche.

Membership or subscription

E-commerce can offer memberships or subscriptions to access exclusive benefits, premium content or special discounts. This generates recurring revenue and fosters customer loyalty.


A marketplace is an online platform where multiple sellers can list and sell their products. Amazon and eBay are examples of marketplaces. Sellers benefit from the marketplace’s existing audience, but they also compete with other sellers on the same platform.

Digital Products

This model is based on the sale of digital products such as ebooks, online courses, music and software. There are no physical production costs, and products can be sold online to a wide audience.

Steps to Create Your Own ecommerce

If you’re ready to dive into the world of ecommerce and create your own online store, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Analysis of the situation:

Start by researching and defining your market niche. What products or services do you want to sell? Who are your competitors? Understanding your audience and your market will help you establish a solid foundation for your ecommerce.

Site creation:

Choose an e-commerce platform to host your online store. Popular platforms or CMS like Shopify, WooCommerce (for WordPress), and Prestashop offer tools and templates to build your website. Customize the design and structure to reflect your brand identity.

Set up shipping:

Decide how you will handle shipping products. Define shipping options and rates for different locations. If you offer international shipping, be sure to consider shipping costs and times.

Customize your products:

Add your products to the online store. Provide detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and customization options if necessary. Organize your products into categories to make it easier for customers to navigate.

Payment methods:

Set up secure payment methods for your clients. Make sure you offer several options, such as credit cards, PayPal, Bizzum, or other online payment services.

Online advertising and digital marketing:

Create a marketing strategy to drive traffic to your store. Use strategies like social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, blog content, and email marketing. 

SEO Optimization:

Use search engine optimization (SEO) practices to make your store visible in search results. Use relevant keywords in your product descriptions, page titles, and site content.

Customer Support:

Establish communication channels for customer service. Provide a clear way for customers to contact you with questions or problems. Quick response and good customer service are essential to building customer trust.

Launch and test:

Before officially launching, thoroughly test your website. Make sure all functions, such as the checkout and payment process, work smoothly.

Monitoring and continuous improvement:

Once your ecommerce is up and running, continue monitoring its performance. Use analytics tools to track metrics like site traffic, conversion rates, and sales. Using this data, make continuous improvements to optimize the user experience and increase your sales.


As your store grows, consider scalability. Add new products, implement more advanced marketing strategies, and consider expanding to new platforms or markets.

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