Google launched its first smartwatch in only three European markets. It has Wear OS 3.5, and Fitbit’s algorithms will manage the wellness functions. Pixel Watch
Category: Gadgets
Tips To Take Best Photos With Your Smartphone
Ever since mobile phones came into our hands, we only see photography purists lugging around cameras. And many smartphones are fewer and fewer phones and
How to Clean or Clear Your Computer, Phone, and Inbox
It would help if you regularly clean the outside of your computer. That will help keep out dirt that can build up over time. You
How to Identify and Block Malicious Notifications on Devices
Internet browsing can become a real odyssey when ads, pop-ups, and other on-screen alerts keep popping up. Many of these notifications are necessary and useful.
Which One to Pick? Bluetooth Headphones vs True Wireless Earbuds
Wireless earphones have revolutionized audio gear for once and all. Cutting the mess of cords and relying on Bluetooth to supply you with your favorite
Best Smartwatches Under Rs. 5000 in 2022
Smartwatches are a craze these days! They have earned this reputation because of their wide range of exclusive features. They simply sit on your wrist
The 3 Most Viewed Video Games on Twitch this 2022
This platform has become viral among video game fans because the games of these video games can be broadcast live quickly. In this sense, YouTube
Tablet or E-Reader, Which is Better for Reading?
A few days ago, we commemorated World Book Day. We have always been committed to the benefits of reading at any age, and we did
The Best Wireless Headphones 2022: Our Pick of the Best Ways to Cut the Cord
Say goodbye to wired life as this is the era of wireless technology! Most of the gadgets that we use these days operate on wireless
Tricks to Use Your Smart TV in Different Ways
Do you only use your TV to watch TV? Smart TVs arrived to open a new world and managed to put aside the concept of